Calling the Angels

Angel of the South, Archangel Uriel, angel of light and fire, I call on your guidance, grace, blessings, your intercessions for healing for the highest good for all.  Angel of the earth, Shekhinah's angel.  Bless the organic farmers, may their crops be abundant; may they live prosperously with plenty of land. Bless the keepers of the earth,  inspire & empower their mission with God's infinite wisdom & creativity, to purify the earth, the water and the air.  We send gratitude light and love, to these Earth Angels for restoring balance to our ecosystem and health to humanity.

Archangel Uriel, Ruler of the central column of balance, restore balance and harmony in the mind of humanity, where all polar extremes bring harm.

I send gratitude for your blessings,  keeping me centered in my higher self, that I can gain perspective and balance in all areas of my life. Giving me power and strength to rise above my ego and stay centered in love.