As we approach the closing of the past year 2021, I search to summarize the year. What did it bring us in the broader sense, the big picture? We are in a state of massive change, old paradigms are breaking free from their steel grid! I have to say, I am happy to see that! For awhile I was worried. I believe we are a creative bunch and are resolving things in a myriad of ways, a solution for everyone, and we are still thinking. The education system, the student loan system, the legal system, the state government and what they control. The way we shop. The things we find to entertain us now. Our home is our castle our place of refuge. How we spend our holidays.
The number “one” and “two” as in 21 the year, brought feminine and masculine power working together, but since 3 is an odd number they were at odds. This is also an uneven number, out of balance, lopsided. We are experiencing polar extremes everywhere. On a personal level and global level. We are severely out of balance. Number “one” represents the cosmos, the heavens, big year for the sun and solar energy. 21 left us walking in the shadows of others. Quick hasty decisions. Unresolved issues, relationships at odds.
The number “2” is feminine, 22 brings feminine power, in a double dose! What that brings is Intuition, being one step ahead of the game and prepared, even if you are not a female. We are getting a big dose of earth energy as “two,” represents the earth. This is for healing, plant medicine, producing enough food for everyone, healing our earth, creative power, new creative solutions, women in office. Equal pay for men and women. More women in the top positions. Resolving conflict, as 22 is an even number. Men ready to step down and enjoy life. Ready to let woman lead. They have had enough, other things on their mind. Give me the back seat and take 10 years of my life please. Bring us peace PLEASE!!!!
Bringing balance with this even number. Balancing the polar extremes, new energy for us all. Tap into a balancing act. Try my book its an act of love for healing humanity and restoring balance!! Of course this is an interfaith practice, a little bit of this and of that. We needed to merge religions to get to the whole truth, nothing but the TRUTH. Dissolving those boundaries in a very creative way. PEACE